I have all the sprites done for the character, just gotta make color minigame assets and audio. Do you have a discord server or account where I could message you and send you the sprites so far?
Recent community posts
Ok so I looked up the Baldi's Basics Map Pack and realized that I might have seen this Big Help character before. Big Help basically does the exact thing that I coded this guy to do, so I thought of a similar, but somewhat different mechanic if you want to hear it and maybe reconsider adding this Thought Constructor guy.
Ok, here's another character I'm working on, but this one's currently a work in progress, and has very little code.
Name: Silly Little Artist
She wanders around the school, and will take the player to her art classroom. Once there the door is locked and she stands in front of a painting canvas, while asking the player to hand her certain colored paint buckets on the floor. Once done you are free to leave. However, if you go in her room when she is not there, you can choose to spill black paint on the canvas, ruining it. If the canvas is ruined when she tries to start the minigame, you will be let out early and she will take time to clean the canvas. But she checks her room often and if she catches you messing with the canvas to skip art class, she'll drag you to random spots in the school at high speed while yelling.
I don't have a lot of graphics for this character yet, just this drawing that shows the design and basic idea of the minigame: I plan to make an anim8or model of the character soon, and can send it over to you if this concept is accepted.
Seeing as you were able to help me create this character, I find it fair if you use it in your game
Name: Thought Constructor
He wanders around similarly to Playtime. When he sees the player, he'll rush towards them and if they interact he'll grab the player and drag them to his Safezone Room. The player can wear Big Ol' Boots to avoid this.
If you want I can send you the code for him.
Hello! I'm the guy who asked you for help with the grabby guy a few days ago. I recently restarted and rewrote pretty much of the code to look more like Playtime's, but instead of activating a jump rope you get dragged. Now that the script is cleaned up and more legible, do you think you could help me understand why he doesn't let go of the player?
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
public class YallEeverScript : MonoBehaviour
// Token: 0x0600030A RID: 778 RVA: 0x00016852 File Offset: 0x00014A52
private void Start()
this.agent = base.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
this.audioDevice = base.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
// Token: 0x0600030B RID: 779 RVA: 0x00016874 File Offset: 0x00014A74
private void Update()
if (this.coolDown > 0f)
this.coolDown -= 1f * Time.deltaTime;
if (this.warpCool >= 0f)
this.warpCool -= Time.deltaTime;
if (this.isDragging & this.playerTouched)
this.player.position = new Vector3(base.transform.position.x - 1f, 4f, base.transform.position.z);
this.agent.speed = 60f;
// Token: 0x0600030C RID: 780 RVA: 0x00016920 File Offset: 0x00014B20
private void FixedUpdate()
if (!this.ps.toBase)
Vector3 direction = this.player.position - base.transform.position;
RaycastHit raycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast(base.transform.position, direction, out raycastHit, float.PositiveInfinity, 3, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore) & raycastHit.transform.tag == "Player" & (base.transform.position - this.player.position).magnitude <= 80f & this.warpCool <= 0f)
this.playerSeen = true;
else if (this.playerSeen & this.coolDown <= 0f)
this.playerSeen = false;
else if (this.agent.velocity.magnitude <= 1f & this.coolDown <= 0f)
this.playerTouched = false;
if (this.warpCool <= 0f)
this.ps.toBase = false;
// Token: 0x0600030D RID: 781 RVA: 0x00016A58 File Offset: 0x00014C58
private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
if (other.tag == "Player" & !this.ps.toBase)
this.isDragging = true;
this.playerTouched = true;
// Token: 0x0600030E RID: 782 RVA: 0x00016AAC File Offset: 0x00014CAC
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
if (other.tag == "Player" & this.ps.toBase)
this.isDragging = false;
this.playerTouched = false;
this.agent.speed = 15f;
// Token: 0x0600030F RID: 783 RVA: 0x00016AFC File Offset: 0x00014CFC
private void Wander()
this.agent.speed = 15f;
this.playerSpotted = false;
this.coolDown = 1f;
// Token: 0x06000310 RID: 784 RVA: 0x00016B9E File Offset: 0x00014D9E
public IEnumerator CollisionCooldown()
this.ps.toBase = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(this.warpCool);
this.ps.toBase = false;
yield break;
// Token: 0x06000311 RID: 785 RVA: 0x00016BB0 File Offset: 0x00014DB0
private void TargetPlayer()
this.agent.speed = 25f;
this.coolDown = 0.2f;
// Token: 0x06000307 RID: 775 RVA: 0x000167A0 File Offset: 0x000149A0
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.tag == "Player")
this.eever.audVal = Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(0f, 1f));
if (grabCollider = baseCollider)
this.isDragging = false;
this.playerSpotted = false;
this.playerTouched = false;
this.warpCool = 15f;
// Token: 0x06000308 RID: 776 RVA: 0x0001683B File Offset: 0x00014A3B
private IEnumerator GrabCool()
this.Hit.enabled = false;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(15f);
this.Hit.enabled = true;
yield break;
// Token: 0x0400039F RID: 927
public Collider Hit;
// Token: 0x040003A0 RID: 928
public YallEeverScript eever;
// Token: 0x040003A1 RID: 929
public Collider grabCollider;
// Token: 0x040003A2 RID: 930
public bool playerTouched;
// Token: 0x040003A3 RID: 931
public bool db;
// Token: 0x040003A4 RID: 932
public bool playerSeen;
// Token: 0x040003A5 RID: 933
public bool enemySeen;
// Token: 0x040003A6 RID: 934
public int audVal;
// Token: 0x040003A7 RID: 935
public Transform player;
// Token: 0x040003A8 RID: 936
public PlayerScript ps;
// Token: 0x040003A9 RID: 937
public Transform wanderTarget;
// Token: 0x040003AA RID: 938
public AILocationSelectorScript wanderer;
// Token: 0x040003AB RID: 939
public float coolDown;
// Token: 0x040003AC RID: 940
public float warpCool;
// Token: 0x040003AD RID: 941
public bool playerSpotted;
// Token: 0x040003AE RID: 942
private NavMeshAgent agent;
// Token: 0x040003B6 RID: 950
public AudioSource audioDevice;
// Token: 0x040003B7 RID: 951
public Collider baseCollider;
// Token: 0x040003B8 RID: 952
public bool isDragging;
public Transform basePosition;
So based on these other comments, do you just create working scripts for people? If so could I have a little help with a character of mine not working?
So the way the character works is that if he sees the player, he'll chase after them and then forcefully drag them to a room, similarly to how Mrs. Pomp works when angry. After getting to the room, the character lets you go and should be on a cooldown for about 15 seconds.
My main problem is that the character refuses to let go of the player, even when reaching the specified transform collider, and also does not seem to acknowledge or chase the player. Any help would be appreciated.