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Adrián JG

A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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I get the impression that I misunderstood what you actually needed. The extension I have developed does a similar function to GameBoy Map Builder and not to GameBoy Tile Designer.

That is, my extension should generate the tile map file, but not the tile graphics data.

In my workflow what I do is to design with an image editing program (for example, Aseprite) a tile tileset with size 8x8 pixels (the one accepted by GameBoy) and then export it to a png file. 

That png file can be used to generate a tileset from Tiled and at the same time it can be imported into a tool like gbtdg to get the graphics tile data in C.

From there, you can from Tiled generate the map and export it to GBDK C format with the extension.

I hope this has cleared up any doubts about its use :)

I was looking for a extension like that and apparently didn't exist.

So I made one by myself:

I hope you find it useful!

Unless there is a lot of demand for an update, this will be the final version of the game.

Thank you for your feedback! I really appreciate any input.

I may have been careless with the sound effects and will try to correct this in a future release.