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Admiral Small

A member registered Aug 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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I downloaded this a couple of days ago and it was so beautifully put together and just a sweet ,novel idea. Then this evening I started to create a character and was immediately invested in my little black witch moth, (that's a real species) and named her Shufflewing.

Thank you for your lovely inspiring game. I'm looking forward to playing it properly. I'll try and feedback more when I do.

This is so cool. Thank you! Great for making art.

This is a fantastic concept! I really like it. It would work well for journaling.

I do have a small critique the prompts feel too specific. Broader categories might really help... such as "a small object" or "a face", as there are many memories they can connect to. 

As a crafter too, this would be an amazing game to play with thread. I just need to learn to embroider patches. 

Such a neat game. Thank you!

This is such a healing little game. I've copied it out so I can take it everywhere with me. Thank you.

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! 🧡

Well! I am very touched. Thank you so much for the mention and I've had a little try of this microgame. What crisis I averted is not yet clear... but it was a fun way of recontextualising some scrappy notes in an "everything" journal from a couple of years ago. ^-^ I can see this being a good game to use when doing revision. :D

Thank you so so much! That was exactly what I was going for. Some solo RPs are a massive commitment, and sometimes I just want two minutes pretending to be a mouse. Enjoy!

Thank you! Let me know if you give it a try :D

Absolutely! Post a picture if you do :D

So freaking cute!.. just wish I could have swept the dust.

Just wanted to say, I bought this game two days ago. It's my first solo roleplaying experience and I am obsessed. The prompts are brilliant, and I've already written 11 pages in my journal. So much fun!