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A member registered Feb 11, 2022

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Loved the visuals and asset use of the game! I think the creative use of the art goes a long way in the polish of the game. The movement seems really smooth to me and overall I very much enjoyed the  game!

I really liked the idea of a puzzle games especially since not many other groups decided to go that route. The puzzles were enjoyable to solve and I thought it was a great game overall.

I think you guys were pretty creative with this game and I like how you tried to blend combat with a puzzle aspect of the game as well. The animations especially felt really smooth to me. Trailer is also spot on 

Really liked the animations and themes you guys went with! One thing I would change is the particle effects. At points they seem too large and they also seem to disappear too quickly. Great game overall! 

I really enjoyed the game. I liked how the combat felt and I thought the wall jump mechanic was really nice. In the future I would add more places where the wall jump mechanic can be put to good use, I think its a strong part of the movement system.

Liked the variety in ways to perform attacks, adds additional depth to the game. The overall background/lighting I thought went really well with the rest of the colors you used for the assets, everything kind of matched and that was really satisfying to look at as I was playing. Great job!

Really liked all of the enemy variety that fit with the theme of the game I thought it was really creative! Some of the assets looked like they're a little bit too stretched in some points of the game but overall I think it was very well done!

Liked the concept behind the game and the vibes of the levels you guys created. One thing I would say about some of the objects used in the levels is that they weren't consistent. Some of the platforms for example we're of different thickness to one another, it made the game feel disjointed at times.

I really liked the style of the game, the lighting really made it feel unique. I like the gameplay but one think I think would be a huge improvement on the movement is if  I could hold down right click and just continuously move so I don't have to spam click the shoot and move button over and over. It's a small thing but I think it would make the movement feel so much better! Loved the game

It reminds me of the some of the first games I played which were food dasher games. I really enjoyed the gameplay but I kind of wish my character moved a little bit quicker? I think I'm just impatient though. Loved the assets that were used!

Really like the amount of content in this game and the open world idea for it. The enemy AI also seemed to work really well and give clear indications to the player of where they should try to stay away from. One thing I will say is that some of the assets feel very oddly scaled, kind of breaks the immersion a bit. Overall very good!

You guys did a great job with the atmosphere of this game it was really visually pleasing to look at. Additionally, the movement felt really smooth and responsive. Some improvements could be to possibly add a few more animations for combat and maybe expand on the current system.

Overall I thought the game worked really well. The idea of it was good but it was really the execution of the level design that made the game fun. The teleporters were a super welcome addition and added additional depth to the levels and the different settings for each level was really creative. Great job!!

I think this was a great improvement over the first iteration of the game we saw at the beginning of the semester! I think the overall movement system and the animations that went with them worked really well. Also liked the variety of enemies in the game!

This sounds small but I really like the transitions between each of the scenes it gave the game an extra level of polish. Additionally, the upgrades we're really nice to see implemented and it gave me an incentive to keep playing. The only thing I think could use some improvement is some of the menus look like they could use a touch up.

Not only did I enjoy the multiple choices I had with the story but I was surprised to see how much original artwork was in the game and how well it was done. I liked that you decided to take a more narrative approach to the game than most other groups, very well done!