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A member registered Mar 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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one easy way to make decks feel different is to add exclusive mechanics. look at the wildfrost tribes- stuff like the clunkmasters junk/bom/scrap, the snowdwellers shell/snow/shroom, and the shademancers teeth/sacrifice/overburn all make for valid builds in of themselves. Artificial exclusiveness isn't necessarily bad- like a pig unit that only buffs other pigs, but does it really well

ludum dare version was fine as hell but the update stutters a LOT even running the opengl version. specially with bosses like the snake and the slime, and when bellowing, the game stutters like hell. btw whats up with the transparent/purple blots that show up sometimes when shooting the walls/bellowing? i think the stutter might be because of them? either way is there a way to turn them off? cuz they ugly af

gust affects projectiles, both the wizard's own and the opponent's. This means you can dart then gust to hit the opponent with a dart thats moving faster than they expected. Sandstorm was very situational imo since i rarely want to be *that* far away from the opponent

"unreactable teleport" brother, as a wizard main, i find it very easy to read cowboy players. they'll try to get into teleport range and then teleport behind you; I usually do either the storm in the same frame they teleport so it catches them as they come in, or I spawn a projectile beforehand so if they try to teleport, they'll immediately get hit. I'm sure the ninja has similar counter options; just always be aware of who youre fighting against and you'll be good

I know this is old, but: have you been able to figure out 22? I just finally got it after leaving the portal in the middle island bridge instead of taking it all the way up to the 1

i like how you can press E to headbang

but shield is already accumulative

amazingly boat shaped

you also lose *all* of your progress if you fall. I think it'd be nice if you could drop down a ladder or rope once you reach certain plataforms, so you can get back more easily (this is more about the sandbox levels then the other tbh.)

also, when you miss a jump and bop your head agaisnt a plataform, it sends you FLYING, like it's extremely bouncy, why is that?

I was excited to play when I watched the video, but fuck, I didnt imagine this would be a RAGE game. the controls don't respond well, and combined with the precise plataforming you're asking for, it's impossible to play. sometimes the character will accidentally grab to the wall, and the only way to leave the wall is to jump, which sends you flying away at max speed in the wrong direction. you can't control your jump mid-air (or at least, the control you have is very minimum), you can't change direction when wall running, and half the time the character goes in the opposite direction I want when I jump on a wall. I know most of these problems are because you want the game to be a high speed thing like the videos, but for someone who isn't the best at the game, it's so infuriating. I say all this not from pure hate, but hope that you'll make the game better, because I *want* this to be a good game.

im confused. is the end the bowl of red things?

god freaking- I hate how you need to remove and re-add the jump mod to actually jump, and how the hat just keeps going up even if you stop pressing it.

ok, so.

1. hitboxes GODAMN HITBOXES. The attack is too short and when I jump over enemies, i'm just teleported down and get hit.

2. you can't attack those air balls or whatever, which is kinda annoying. Just gotta jump straight up while they pass underneath ya.

3. you can't attack upwards, which makes the bats really fraking hard.

4. INVULNERABILITY IS NOT A THING. I still get damaged while blinking.

really nice game :D