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''acceptable casualties''

A member registered Apr 10, 2020

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cool game, wish it had more levels though

(1 edit)

oh okay thank you is that all they do, just change the sound?

this is a really cool game, however i did run into a glitch where if your guy is on the side of an elevated platform towards a wall for too long, it'll glitch out and put you outside the boundaries and bug the game so you have to refresh the page

in the photos it half past noon, but at least the actual game gets time righ

I've noticed that the instruments feel just a tad repetitive when you've played for an hour or so, so possible could you add an option for different instruments sometime in the future, such as drumset? Also the notes combining is cool, but maybe have some synergy with different beats for people who are musicians and think some beats might work, instead of trying to get all the notes to "do all the things" at once. And one final question, what do the quarter, eighth, and  sixteenth notes do? I'm genuinely confused as to what they do, I haven't seen any clear indication of what they do.