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A member registered May 20, 2022

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(5 edits)

I'm actually really surprised to be writing a comment on the game, type of that I've never played before and even didn't think about playing any of those.

It's not really about *adultness* of the game here, I believe. But the storyline is really impressive. Like, I mean there ain't much AAA games that really get me involved that much that I can spend hours without noticing that, but this one did. wow.

Ruby is such an innocent girl. So does Emma. Anna is a still a mystery for me as a person. Very interesting plot twists. Tbh I encountered this game by a huge coincidence and was pretty demotivated to play it due to not the best loading screen and scenes. But I gave it a shot, and didn't regret it.

Although animations lack here, so do the audio effects and other stuff, however you are given a choice that changes the story, which is great, in most significant ways (I hope it does coz I played it once for now) and that's really cool.

Idk man what you gonna do after this game, but the storytelling is really smth that thrilled me. This was a totally new experience for me. I got connected to the main characters somehow and starting noticing similarities with Sebastian and sometimes pretty common situations.

This NPC to player connection is the best thing that can be achieved in any game.

(although i don't play such games, like never ever. Most of the times AAA games like Witcher, Days Gone, Skyrim, Fallout etc. I liked it, it's dope.)

You should definitely give a chance to your storytelling skills in future. Perhaps in another genre. Maybe ...

I'm looking forward to next episodes. It's awesome, great job. Dfntly a deserved well-written novel.