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A member registered Dec 05, 2018

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here? it looks like ive gotten all the way up to the most recent update, #8. somehow i thought something had changed between its release date and now, but i now remember that it was during this current build when i realized i need to back away from directly engaging with the text. since the next update may not come for a while yet, its up to you whether you would like to (or remember to) post brief summaries of future updates, but im not worried either way :)

(1 edit)

im suing for character defamation of gabe. hes not even my favorite character in the main vn, but still, damn yall are harsh

i did not expect such an offer, but i would enjoy that, thank you. reading echo and arches ruined me on plots like these lmao

my favorite part was how there were several floating objects in the spaceship even while the narration clearly indicates that there is some sort of gravity system in place (running, slamming on floors, slamming into walls, liquids flowing down rather than outwards, etc). the hypothermia bit was also great

when you want to write creative fiction but also want to use your economics degree

while acknowledging the absolute explosion of fvns coming into creation over the last few years, to the point that im not sure if a single person could read or even be aware of all of them anymore, im very surprised by the paucity of public interaction for this project. there is a whole-ass team composing this professional production, and yet only 139 ratings? ive seen much lower-quality developments with thousands of ratings and reviews, where the hell is everyone? in the immortal words of bonnie tyler, 'where have all the good men gone?' i just downloaded this and plan on reading it soon for the first time, but this looks so promising that im baffled by its status as something underground

damn, i havent been this betrayed since cooper and lance in rtf. overall, i'd say this seems very compelling, well-designed (and not just visually), and well-executed to me. the bones of this project are just as strong as the production value, and it is clearly not over-reliant on the strength of its visuals to attempt to distract readers from poor writing or story design, which is an unfortunately-common strategy among some developers. typos are also at a respectable minimum, which is another refreshing element. the serialized nature of vn updates as a writing medium obviously leaves many questions in the plot unanswered as the story continues to develop, but this project offers a salient opportunity for getting the inside view of the construction of a mystery story, while still withholding critical parts of itself from the reader's view. the temporary scaffolding structures are all there, but even so, the central mysteries of the story have still been kept concealed and won't be easily coaxed out. very good job. i will be paying closer attention to the update schedule of this project now that it's on my radar

i love everything, and i especially appreciate the decision to work in some easter-egg lines upon restarting the vn after having completed a route. on a structural level, it might seem superfluous, but on a creative-writing and literary-analysis level, it does mean a lot. among other creative decisions, it shows how much care is invested in the reader's experience, above and beyond what is strictly necessary for the plot. it's the final kiss of the story's leitmotif, that extra 'something' that brings it all to a poetic finish, and is even more impactful because that ability is unique to the structure of vns. traditional written media can use different techniques to achieve similar effects, but the fact that some of the actual lines change depending on previously-logged data is an ingenious use of this format. bellissimo! 

due to my mental health, i wont be able to continue going down the path that the main character is heading in, but i hope this vn does well! it deserves nothing but the best, and i deeply respect the amount of effort that goes into every detail of the storytelling & art

the crop top gives me life. i remember when i made my first one, in a very different context but with a similar intention, and i will readily admit that i cackled like a witch when cody's was revealed. absolutely iconic.

ive lost count of how many times ive played this and how many emotions ive felt

in the future, if you click on the 'more information' tab right above the download button and look at the tags, you'll be able to see (as the name suggests) more info about the game. major aspects such as genre, setting, and inclusion of lgbtq characters/story aspects will most often be listed there, and never again will you need to worry about guessing such details on your own.

however, not all of the games featuring the 'lgbtq' tag will feature a majority/entirety of queer characters or story-lines: sometimes it may just be one or two side characters in a game who bring minor but notable representation of the community. but, more often than not, games with tags related to lgbtq topics will be heavily (if not exclusively) populated by non-heterosexual or non-cisgender characters, and the creators will consequently base their plot in queer experiences

its a good day when this vn gets an update, it's quickly becoming one of my favorites

the felix route was worth its weight in gold, and i cherished every moment of it. i didnt follow the roy route to the very end, because ive already had my fill of partners like that irl, so i ditched him at the last moment lmao

cute! i love how much depth there is for how short the actual storyline is, and i would call this a prime example of accomplishing a whole lot with only very little to work from. great job, you two!

i especially appreciate the treatment of roy's abusive behaviour: he is neither romanticized/given a redemptive angle ('he's really a good person deep  down') nor caricatured ('muahaha, he is so evil') in the narration, but instead provides a realistic view into some of the traits and dangers most common in emotional manipulation. most times, the traits aren't as overt as fiction depicts them, and they really can tend to be as subtle and hot-and-cold as they are here. while holden's choices offer the reader the option to follow after him if they so choose, no narrative aspect strives to paint an embellished image of him, and this is what i am appreciative of. may inexperienced readers draw lessons from this story, so that they don't have to learn the bitter lessons that an actual emotionally-manipulative partner will teach instead.

the one for boarred, but youre right, and it turns out it only wasnt loading because i wasnt logged into twitter the first time. if youre trying to view it without an account, it says the page doesnt exist, which was where i had gotten confused

its honestly homophobic that i have never seen or heard of this game before this very moment

the link for this no longer leads anywhere, which is also concerning

keeping the anthrocon presentation off of youtube is a wise choice. while it has the potential to attract a very wholesome audience, it can also find itself with a very hostile community in the comments section—and even if the comments are turned off, there are still ways for malicious individuals to cause harm if they so choose. looking forward to the drive link then!

i feel excited in an anxious kind of way. cant wait!

ive been sleeping on this game for years and now that ive started it im enthralled

i love all four routes (even mark's), but i cant decide between ken's and hiro's for my top favorite. very exciting update then! life is rough out there, dont guilt about placing yourselves before this project when needed

i may be a bit late to the party, but goddamn what a turn things took. no story is satisfying if everything goes well, i suppose. there is still much unexplained lore that is implied to be revealed later, so im excited to see where the development goes!

the first update is almost upon us, very exciting!

loving this series so far! <3

so cute! this will be one of those vns i read on a yearly basis with the changing of the seasons

exciting! i just cant believe theyre doing it in the goddamn restaurant kitchen, where is the health dept in this fictional universe and how do i contact them

how exciting! im really looking forward to the future of this project, whatever it may be

very cute, very gay in a wholesome way, but my favorite part has to be the genius who came up with the 'croco-cola' bottle

seconded lmao

good things come to those who wait uwu

i love

i havent even played it yet and im excited

the dry humor i was aiming for didnt quite stick the landing, but i legit agree. that slice-of-life sort of grounded-ness has a special kind of charm that the more intense plot structures of, say, echo, do not :p

i feel cheated that i just learned about this vn this evening. its a good problem to have that there are so many to choose from, but that also means the algorithm can get stuck in a bubble of only presenting the most popular ones, and then it requires some serious digging to find the gems buried beneath the surface. anyway, it was worth the effort to find this one!

the only thing that would make this more historically accurate is if theres survival cannibalism—or, as it was known in that period, 'the custom of the sea'

im into the laid-back amount of nsfw scenes too. i was also surprised at first, but then realized how much less engaging it would be if it were just a barrage of erotica from start to finish with only a threadbare amount of plot/character development

I find it fun to take time and read the descriptions!

sometimes i use this game as a buddhist meditation on the nature of trishna (clinging)

many blessings for this info lol. so simple but so easy to overlook