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Aaron the fox

A member registered Aug 02, 2020

Recent community posts

Good visual novel, one day it will be translated into Spanish? Cheers

Hi! Very good update, it's a shame that this great novel will never be in Spanish

When will the Android version be?

very good novel it would be good for this great visual novel to be in Spanish and many Latin people including me that we are pessimistic in English I do not say all but many 

Luckily I had already been alarmed. Good to continue. I wish you a lot of success in this great project and those who will make you never stop doing this great job I congratulate you good luck

but the novel is finished or not?

very good visual novel a question already finished I really fell in love with Diego he is so handsome I would like to be able to translate this novel into Spanish I liked it too much the music was really good

hi how about a question does the visual novel have a lot of adult content? 

when the android version?

this game is complete shit is so terrible plus the animation of each character is fatal 

I really like your art a question when it will be available for Android

nice game!

This is very good you will see that you will get more audiences! Most of the people are Spanish speaking

is the game in Spanish?

muchas gracias de verdad que me a gustado mucho esta novela visual! La mejor de todas y el mejor punto es de que puedes jugar en español la mejor de todas las que eh jugado esta es la que me a gustado mucho

Me gustó muchísimo esta novela visual muy bien trabajado! Uwu :pregunta

Cuando saldrá la segunda actualización y cómo será? Hoy empecé a las 3 pm y lo termine a las 7 pm! Muy buena novela me quedé con jugar más de esta cuando saldra la demás parte?