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A member registered Dec 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback! Also a very nice idea on how to improve the sound design, I'm absolutely  going to implement that if I'm doing an update to the project.

A big thank you for the feedback and for taking the time give the game a shot! And thanks for the suggestions, the movement/game mechanics (as well as the entry version option menu :) would definitely have needed more time to improve. The proximity explosion is a super cool suggestion, so will definitely look into that if I get inspired to develop a further edit of the game. And of course some more retro inspired music too, thanks once again for the support!

One especially nasty bug left in the submission (53 seconds before the deadline), when in multiplayer you need to restart the whole game to play it properly again. For those interested to bash out their friends properly, here is a working version:

Thank you all for the support!