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A member registered Nov 02, 2023

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(2 edits)

Hi, I'm in the same boat as some of the others here. Can't seem to activate the Premium version. I have bought them with the same account. Any way to enable it for me, that would be very nice of you :-)

I've checked and I indeed took the wrong email adress when I bought it... Sorry, my mistake!

I uninstalled and reinstalled it after work. Works fine now! Just gotta figure out why I'm getting some crash on the Quest. Seems so random.

(2 edits)

Hi. I don't know exactly what happened since yesterday, but my QGO UI is now running slow. I use to be able to scroll very freely, now it moves in chunks. 

I did had a crash yesterday on the Quest, so maybe that's related. Screen froze, had to restart it with a long power press of the power button.

I also added quite a few games and also many videos, I have like 50GB of space at the most right now on a 512 GB headset. 

Anything that could possibly cause the slowdown of the UI? Or anyone else experiencing this?