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a random guy with no life

A member registered Oct 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game sucks and is just a bunch of swears and some lousy coding wouldn't recommend 0/10

my 10 year old graphics card is on its knees 10/10

I walked then didn't die

I then walked and talked to a lady and did die

This game is horribly unscary however I see potential in this developer as they've already proven the mastering of sound design 

I want to see something great come from you!

You are brave. I can't really comment on the thing I often can't describe deep stuff.

all I will say is if you are in the right place download this game

this home page is a mess i feckin love i

3112 also cool game :)

i'll credit :)

can i use this for a no internet game clone?


use wine

Welcome to my trashy game but tbh I'm kinda proud it's my first decent python game.