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A member registered Jan 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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I think a simpler way of saying that is that being able to keep a box with stuff in it is pointless when I can just have a bamboo with bamboo in it to spit out, plus the ability to transform that spat-out bamboo into whatever is needed by transforming the spitter bamboo with wand, using the transformed wand to fulfill the need, reversing that transformation so it goes back into being bamboo ... ok nvm not simpler

dungeon keeper? I hardly know her!

while messing around in sandbox mode, I used magic wand to turn the bottom of a stack of boxes into bamboo, then used another segment of bamboo to suck it in. when I tried spitting back out, stack is gone. that was such a jumpscare

copy paste? I just pressed up arrow key to repeat previous command, mostly feed, but occasionally changing first word out for harvest then plant

I remember trying to make puzzle game, but stopped caring halfway thru

I think it's possible to blast green tea into orbit. Not that it gives me an advantage, though, cuz I'll have to avoid it for the rest of the game.

can't follow the footprints offscreen lol