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Nicat Quliyev

A member registered Mar 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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We're changed bike physics. Currently working on new props, tools.

Sometimes these bugs happening. We are stopped development for 11 months we will fix that bug when we start. Thank you!

Thank you :) development will take ~2 years one secret we are planning toon and realistic mode.

Video from Demo 2!

(1 edit)

We already added this function to game but somehow it is bugged. We will try fix this problem for next demo test.

Thank you =) 

Install Winrar or 7z -

In Cheyzade folder you will se "Cheyzade Demo.exe" file open it select your screen size and graphics quality then hit play button.

Thats why we published first demo. We will list these all glitches and fix them for next demo test.These videos giving us motivation <3.Thank you =)

Thank you! =)

Thank you =)

Hello, yes i'm planning Mac OS version working on next update i think you can play demo 2 on mac =)

I spent some time in jalopy yes taking items etc looks like jalopy but idea different. Same things is traveling cities villages collecting things but idea different at moment don't want to give spoiler =)

Hello! Thank you great video.  I'm working 9 hours a day for improve game. You are all my motivation thanks! :)

Thank you! :) 

Controls will be fixed. There is lot of bugs we and testers found that needs to be fixed.

Thank you! =)

Thank you! =)

Thank you! =) I'm trying my best to make game more fun and enjoyable. This demo just for optimization test. What do you think ? is game optimized well ?