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A member registered 24 days ago

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Thank you for the more realistic horn and bell sounds. The fix has worked good with the CSX SD40's , but I am unable to get the NS SD40's to stay on the track.  The NS SD40 acts like it is too wide and will not settle down in the tracks. 

I have a few paint scheme request for the CSX SD40-2 posted below:

I am really enjoying the 140.  I have operated them in real life and its fun to operate your model.  A nice simple mod to use.

Thank you for your reply. What you described above is exactly what l am trying to do.  I have enjoyed using your train mod and I am looking forward to your updates. 

Is anyone having trouble connecting to the grain cars with a locomotive that is different from the original locomotive that was connected to the grain cars? The cars will only reattach to the original locomotive and not to a different locomotive.