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A member registered Jul 03, 2022

Recent community posts

This zine is filled with so many cool ideas. I'm using it for a Knave campaign. Where did you get your images for this zine from?

This is actually incredible. I love your work as a whole (IDMAN and DODMAN are some of my favourite TTRPG tools). I tried this out myself, and I got a guilt-ridden acolyte who burnt down their church after receiving divine revelation.

Looks incredible so far! I've actually been trying to hack up the Character Preview and Knave for a sci-fi one-shot.

I really like the look of the character preview; it feels like a cool mix of Cyberpunk and space opera. Have to ask, will this be finished, or is it kind of a lost cause?

Yo, love this whole aesthetic. Feels like Into the Odd and Thor: Ragnarok at the same time. Is there a 3rd issue coming out? 

Incredible game! I love the quirky, odd mechanics and the subtle worldbuilding tools. The balancing of characters is also really well done!

Love the game, is there any sort of supplement for classes though?