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A member registered Mar 12, 2023

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Hello pregnancy will be added to the game   Can I find out?

Вы также можете добавить размер текста, чтобы можно было увеличивать и удалять имя самостоятельно .

Привет, могу ли я спросить, могу ли я добавить Флавию тоже

You can also find out the sword of Agnor whether you can find it or not

You can make sure that the glory is always visible even when you turn on this mode

Hi, you can remove the name of the save in the 2nd part of the ATO it is inconvenient

Очень ждем новую версию надеемся что новая версия будет намного больше

Очень хорошая игра надеемся новая версия выидет быстро

You can find out 1 pregnancy will be added to the game 2 it will be possible to have relationships with all the girls of the sisterhood

Hi thanks for a very great good game

большое спасибо за помошь

I see it's a pity

Thank you for another question. You said that you can't make mods yet. By chance, you haven't found a person who knows how to make mods in the game.

Hi, you can remove the name of the save in the new version?

What kind of phone do I need to play the game, otherwise I have an android version 9 with 3 gigs of RAM, but it immediately crashes

I have android version 9 with 3 gigs of RAM, but it doesn't pull your game

Hi tell me what kind of phone you need to play your game normally

And one more question to the creator of the game, we will really hope that you will not finish the game so quickly and you will also add pregnancy to the game?

Who can help?

Hi, I want to buy a phone so that I can play this game, tell me what kind of phone will pull the game

You can also find out if music and sound will be added to the game?

Скажите, можно ли сделать так, чтобы Ария не сбежала в Лондон?

In the new version, you can spend more time with Ashley and Jennifer

And I also wanted to ask a couple of questions.

Hi, I wanted to ask in the new version, is it possible to make the phone always available for calls

Hello help, there is a walkthrough with the correct answers for the game

Hello, a huge request can you create a multimode for the new version

I really don't want to develop a relationship with her

You can rule out a relationship with Megan, 

Hi, please, the developer can not be forced to break up the relationship with Megan, she does not like it and you can add more plots to him from the same organization so that he starts fighting

Hi, you can add a rollback to the left to the game. I'm playing from my phone???

Иначе, например, когда он согласился быть с Райо, нельзя быть с другими девушками, можно завести гарем со всеми девушками, вместе, чтобы никому из девушек

Otherwise, for example, when he agreed to be with raio, then with others it cannot be possible to have a harem with all the girls, no matter who you refuse

Hi, can we have a final with all the girls and not separately, it would be very good

Hi, is it possible when he is on Andromeda to choose both options to help both the guard and take care of the egg and free the doctor it would be very cool cool?

Hi, can I ask with slavery, mutants, queens and reeders, there will be more relationship added?

Otherwise we are playing on an anroid and there are no buttons please return the buttons

Hi, a very great game, but please, you can return the buttons and add a rollback button to the left??

And thanks again for a very great gorgeous game. Yes, you can find out why I removed the settings of the font size and text from the game, it seems that such a function was the same.