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A member registered Oct 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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The rarest appearances.

Doesn't the Chromebook have an Android system instead of a Windows system? Maybe that's the problem.

More bizarre doppelgangers appears: 

Good game.

Incredible action platformer game.

Short, simple, but very interesting. 

I keep playing That's Not My Neighbors and the game always has new features.

Very interesting game. Great sprite art.

This game is werid, crazy, but very fun. ALL ENDINGS.

I played again and managed to see the creature at the end. I took the opportunity to record a very objective gameplay for my other channel.

(1 edit)

Hedinger is o Another competent horror game. Congratulations, Hedinger. ALL ENDINGS.

Interesting horror game. 

The game is really interesting. Especially in the final part. I was very curious to see what the creature looked like, but I couldn't and... the developer didn't want to show it. The objective was to leave the mystery and I liked the decision. 

The game is very beautiful and relaxing. At first I thought it would be tedious, but as you understand the game, it becomes quite satisfying to complete the small puzzles and see the results. Excellent work.

I played this game again. 

Very interesting and atmospheric game. ALL PUZZLES here:

The game is really intense. Love the aesthetic and the creepy moments. 

Very tense and intense gameplay. 

Again: one of the best horror games ever made.

This game is so hard, but very fun. 

Short, but interesting. 

Discovering the game and seeing how interesting it is. I've already noticed that the art is exceptional. PART 1 HERE:

Good enviroments and atmosphere. I really enjoyed the game. 

Great Art!

Good horror game.

Good tense and atmospheric psx horror game. ALL ENDINGS HERE: 

Very interesting and fun game. 

With each new Klubnika update, Buckshot Roulette only gets better. The challenge is becoming better and more complex and new things always take me out of my comfort zone when facing the Dealer.

Buckshot Roulette is truly one of the best horror games I've ever played.ALL NEW ITENS and FULL GAME HERE:



Love the minigames. No Players Online is complete. 

Very good game. 

A very atmospheric horror game. Great update.

No Players Online has become one of my favorite games in the genre and, with this new update, the focus on the plot has become even more interesting. Congratulations! COMPLETE DEMO HERE: 

Very insteresting atmopshere. Good game. 

The game is strangely beautiful and has an interesting atmosphere. It looks very promising.

Very interesting game. Atmospheric, tense and creepy! 

A horror classic.

Good horror game. Looks promising. 

Very interesting plot and art. ALL ENDINGS HERE: 

Normal Ending

True Ending 

Unlikely and That's Not My Neighbor are impressive games.

One of the best horror games I've ever played.