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A3 (エーさん)

A member registered Apr 29, 2022

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love your work Mofu ! ☺️❤️

(1 edit)

So the content of the game right now end at

1) Fighting the Mushroom girl with Ophelia's place and that the end of story RN

2) The statue Quest that collect a Milk from NPC end at rabbit girl

3)The Gatekeeper at Mushroom village is end at quest name "Find a villager and bring them back to enter the Mushroom Village" and wait for next patch

I think that's all i done in game RN, So if anyone have a progress that I didn't write in this comment please feel free to reply and tell what you got to help other :D

(PS. This is my personally request may Mofu add more Acc. in game please ? Like horse PP or long nipples with giant boba like Ophelia hehe)

(PSS. I still waiting the full game Mofu ! I don't know what are you facing at RN like stressed from work like that but keep it up man ! :D. The game is pretty fun ! )

ohhhhhh it might be ! I had changed my system location once. Thanks alot !

Will mofu sell a uncensored version as well ? Or just censored only ? I missed Nene's chinchin ; ;

oh thanks !!

Hey Mofu ! I really like the Futaken game. There're anyway to support your work ? are you open fanbox or something like that. I wanna support your game and your work so bad. Love your art style ❤️❤️