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A member registered May 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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good work, great evolution from the first game

sad, but good luck on your next project

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just played, 
there's not much yet, still it was interesting enough, i wonder that other routes/character are in planning, but congrats for it being your first try at doing a game.

there's a bug when after you hear Raoul hurting himself and go to check him, sprites overlap, it shows him both already clothed and his naked version at the same time.

just ignore and be ready. 
There's been some serious vitrial hate towards people who decided to use AI generated art (and honestly/openly disclose its use), no matter how much you explain that is temporary or due several hardships/real life problems. 

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OK, finally started playing it, idk how far is the development past this last update/version, but it does need a speedup option for the battles or a battle speed configuration. I kinda got tired from the slow speed of battles while still on the badlands, after the cave


idk if me or if its like that for now, but no portraits appear in the game 

i think last time i played this it was still on version 1. I was surprised by some redesigns, everything already looked good before and now looks great

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i dont remember when was the last time i played it, so idk when this happened, but DAMN Kyouji redesign looks amazing

Mac Os only is a surprise 

those plot twists...

Coming from The Blue Cloth, that i enjoyed a lot in the past (its been really a long time), this VN shows how much you really improved and grew. Also pretty amazing designs and personalities for all characters around.

I thought i would be a little bothered for the whole "no options/no choices" because usually VNs that do that can kinda feel boring most of time in general if not done right, but in this case you did it right.

Hope to see more from you soon !

i think it was just a few days ago me and a few others were talking in a discord about "where's robot VNs? there's hardly any at all (not taking into account FNAF stuff), not even megaman VN about its bosses like Storm Eagle" 

This sure was a nice and short burst of fresh air to see

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pretty good for such early state and release, keep it up, nice set up with interesting characters

i can't actually play the game. It crashes and closes as soon as the game starts to run. 

When it doesnt close itself the game screen ends up crazy like showed in this image. I can hear the game sound and music, can press buttons to access menus, but the screen doesnt change. Then when trying to maximize the screen it close the game.

First time playing, its pretty interesting, but a Quality of Life update so that we can adjust general text size would be really good.

wow amazing quality of life upgrades

Ok, its very interesting, has several serious and "Dark" tones showcased in this DEMO. 

My only grips with it was the game running on fullscreen and how loud the game sound was set right when opening it the first time. 
Characters, from what was showed, design wise and personality wise were fine. Id say MC doesnt deserve a good friend like that, but it will probably make up for good upcoming storytelling 

nevertheless keep the good work, great premise 

again CAN happen is not a rule of happening

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I mean the way Devon has been written is okay, i have no problems about that, one of the best routes i'd say.

But the important part there in what you said is  "CAN BE". Not always, not a rule and not the route that this novel attempts to go. For me if Devon was a major teacher for MC id see it as taboo of power dinamic, but power dynamic only by age gap? meh

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age gap doesnt matter in this context as everyone is in college anyway i think (its been a while since i last played but i think they indeed are in college)

ohhh i like that style of fantasy Arabic setting, with genies/djinns, makes me think of "The City of Brass" (both the novel and the rpg/dnd setting)


English version ?

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Despite feeling... maybe too linear ? Which not bad a thing when done right like some other Vns managed to do and this is doing, great work on this VN
For 0.3 this has so much more stuff than i expected, i was always thinking "oh its gonna end now" and didnt. The world is just so rich. 

Same here, Marruk feels more interesting, but all 3 are great

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Darius (from Extracurricular Activities) comes to mind; best route


Congrats on your degree !

FINALLY, Haruki deserves justice