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A member registered Feb 11, 2024

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Yes thankyou! It would be great

It works now! How do I search for a certain map location? Is that something I can do? 

Also, it crashed after finishing the rendering... And while the app was on the computer started going really slow...

Thanks a lot! I'll check it out soon

Thanks for the fast reply! I didn't know I had to use the ctrl key.

1) Selecting vertices works!

2) Join works

3) ctrl + A works

4)  ctrl + d also works fine.

These functions work well, but I think i need a deep tutorial for using all functions of the app.

It looks more powerful than picocad but I can't understand how to do basic things like rotating the view, or coloring a single face and not the whole object.

Is there a tutorial or documentation I can read to understand how to make the most out of pelogen?

Thanks again. 

(By the way i'm on a MacOs 12.5 MacBook Air)

So the demo looks like it is broken, i can only insert triangles and color them. None of the other functions work. I would love to use this program but I want it working! Thanks for understanding me

absolutely love this. would love a remake of half life styled like this

Now it says it requires Mac Os 17.7 and i'm on 17.5...

I would love to help you test it, is there a github or something like that?


I'm on an intel macbook air 2020 running macos 12.5

I don't know how to run it via terminel :/

It doesn't work on mac os. Opened as admin but nothing

No, I have an intel processor on a Macbook air 2020. I already opened the app as administrator. But nothing. App doesn't open

:( Can't open the app

Guys I might have found the issue.

I recently started learning game development and I just found out the issue might be Godot itself.

While following along some basic tutorials I experienced the same strange bug I see on BeatMagic too.

There are two red (glitchy) bars at the top and at bottom of the screen when in full screen mode.

You could make a Beat Magic version with an older Godot version. 

Or I could be available to test beta releases and give you guys feedback.

Anyways I know it's an older Macbook but 2020 wasn't that long ago, and I think Beat Magic should be lighter and available to everyone!

Thank you, are there any news yet? Will you make a web app?

Thank you. Well no worries, if you'll make a mobile version I'll use that! I love your idea and it's my pleasure supporting it.

Feel free to ask me any question about the bug. I'm on a MacBook Air 2020 intel i3

I am currently running on mac os 12.5 (Monterey)

As you can hear on the video, audio is broken! This app is crazy and I'd like to use it to it's full potential.

Can you please fix this or help me fix it? Thanks for understanding me.