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A member registered Dec 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey guys, I was bored so I wanted to do something in monster girl and I wanted to make Sary my undertale version, here I show them.

Actually, its design is more or less like this, if you want I can tell you the story but it gives me pause ...
Sary: what did you say jono?
me: n-nothing, I just wanted to tell you your story hehe ....
Sary: ....
Sary: ok but don't overdo it

I also feel the same, well sometimes but there are times that my dreams take hold, it is as if I was seeing my future this happened to me since I was 5 .....

Hey girls and boys from all over ..... internet (I forgot the name of the page :v) how desia and come back to life, they remember Sary if the girl half goat with problems of herself and that she has a high depreciation ....if she.

as I said if some did not recognize me, because I already disappeared like the whole year ahs I do not remember but, I will not leave here anymore because soon I will be youtuber and ..... they know I need the games :^.

I'm going to continue making drawings and also my versions, by the way my name is jono no jonito >:^