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Very good although a small visual glitch is when you re enter a room the coins and people will flash to their original spot for a single frame. Also it is hard to know how many coins you have so a coin counter would be nice. After you get on the ship the brother can block you or make you stuck for a little. Overall the story is very pleasing you have some points where you go back to the start for example you need a crowbar to open it and later you find it and get rewarded for doing so. You also get rewarded for not running through the game and instead talk to the non player characters. Also when the 2 racists on the dock talk to you they don't have any eyes which is unsettling but other than those minor problems it is a very good game


The visuals are stunning but a problem i have seen is that there are no hints as to where to go in the start of the game he just says in the house with the trees but it is never mentioned which direction it is and there are no signs so i had to run against all the walls to find it. Also i have not found where you know which house to go to and the tutorial cannot be played twice.

Very greatly made it tells a story but some points are hidden like Spoiler alert! Did the mother poison the father or did he just die. And we don't find out much about the character other than they have a mom and had a dad and they are going to america

Is that a jojo reference 

Sigma game