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A member registered Mar 13, 2021

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(1 edit)

This is a really good game! The graphics are pretty good, I'm loving the VHS film effects. The story is pretty simple, but the game just makes it way better. The music is pretty good, except that it makes you very tense even at the beginning of the game which doesn't make any sense since I don't see anything that should make me tense except for that part where you see a man in Miles' lot. The stairs also has a bit of a bug, can barely go up from it. But overall, a very great game! Can't wait for the next episodes!

Thanks to this game, I'm now afraid to turn off the lights. Not really haha, but this game really scared me without relying heavily on cheap jumpscares. Definitely a good short horror game!

This game is a very short horror game but it did not fail to scare me, it's not super scary but it can definitely be scary especially if you're using earphones or headphones. I'm interested in playing the full game!

This is a pretty good quick game! 

(2 edits)

Pretty okay game, scared me a little but the story wasn't very clear to me. The graphics looks pretty good though, but there are some random light sources everywhere placed on areas that doesn't make any sense. Overall, I'm gonna give it a 6 out of 10. Looking forward to see more game from you, I'm hoping the story will be much clearer in your future games.