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A member registered Mar 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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thank you a lot

thnxs this is my first game and i had to do a lot of digging for how to use godot and there is the added downside that I use a chromebook with the processing power of a potato.

i really liked the game however i wasn't sure on the turning and how it worked. It might be me or my chromebook that I use but it wouldn't turn.

thank you

As just an idea mould it be better to fix the bug if you let the message be able to be dragged by the user like the create new tab thingy ma bobby. It is amazing btw im trying to make a precision platformer but doing pixel art is so enjoyable in Pixelorama i just can't stop myself.

brilliant however I found a bug if you open a bunch of tabs leave the page for a bit come back the back up message is so long that it doesn't show the button because it is pushed off screen. I can't use it any more sadly because of this.