Recent community posts
quick few questions. 1. is there any plans to add cum while being sexed? like maybe when you game over from it or take too long to free a girl from it? 2. will the other 2 bugs on floor 2 get different sex pictures? (the blue and green one.) and 3. will the bosses ever get to sex the girls? (like brad sexing ninja or somethin.)
fun game! already beat it and just playing for fun now. yeah game is hard but its not too bad. a semi consistent strategy i found to get to floor 2 is to 1. put points into stamina recharge and speed, especially speed because you get dodge tokens from it a good amount. 2. i always try and pick stamina abilities over SR abilities because you'll die to sex more than you die to stamina. 3. when it comes to the level bosses. just rush them down, the floor ends once you beat them. 4. and most importantly whatever you do, DO NOT LET YOUR GIRLS GET SEXED. as good as the double damage is. it only really helps in certain scenarios so its better to just avoid it entirely so you dont end up losing, or at least if you do, get the one you want to sex with at low health so its easy to bring them back. anyways 10/10 game just waiting for updates now!