Its 2am and I'm sleepy but this book is so 馃グ馃グ馃グ!! Yall, it's a dollar!! Buy it!
A member registered Nov 14, 2018
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Hello! Is there a version of the non-printer PDF without the gradients on the side of each page? I wanted to use my eReader to read it, and the aspect ratio of the PDF doesn't match the screen. It's like this with most PDFs, but I don't notice it because it'll fill the extra space with white. The gradients emphasize the way it doesn't fit exactly on the screen, and I want to enjoy the illustrations and colors, but no worries if it's too much trouble.
If it's somehow easier to resize the PDF, I'm looking for something with the size of 1264x1680 (~3:4 aspect ratio)
Again, don't worry about it if it's too time consuming. Thanks anyway!