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A member registered Sep 04, 2023

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My friend, just by playing your game I already thought of 10 different ideas now that I played it again and finished it once again, I already had 20 different ideas for new plots

Thank you very much for the link, but if you have any opportunity to make another game you can use my idea

(2 edits)

I thought I wouldn't put so much gore, like put it as if it were an x-ray of the futas' testicles, but if you want to put a little blood you can, and I thought like the traps are a total of 5 different

And when the life bar reached zero, a little animation would appear of them holding their testicles and that part where it shows the mysterious figure dragging them would be one of the parts of the animation 

And one of the traps I thought of was one that looks like two hammers that one hits from above and the other from below, crushing the testicles and the other trap made needles that three pierce each of the testicles.

And one of the new levels has more than 20 traps, I think it will be very difficult for you but it's something I'm thinking about, believe me, I can think about several things at the same time.

The first time I played this game it took me a total of 20 minutes to complete it and in that 20 minutes I already thought of 10 ideas for other traps

I hope I helped you with the creative part, I don't know how much you are on discord because when I access your discord link it says that the link has expired

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Hey man, I have an idea for you in the next update, if I can help you a little with the creativity part of the new update it will be very impressive, take note what I'm talking about

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Thank you very much for understanding, by the way two days ago was my birthday but ok

Thanks for the answer, look I know you don't do much programming, much less me, but I know you can do it (sorry for my strange English, it's because I'm Brazilian using a translator)

Please don't take this review as an obligation to rush to release the game, will it take long to officially release the game? Remembering, don't take it as if it were a rush for you to launch