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(1 edit)

"Also how do you check if its a valid word? And do you make sure there are always valid words on the board?"

Not really. The words validate after the player finalizes it in runtime. I made an algorithm to basically make sure that letters are randomly generated from a pool of letters. Each letter generally being proportional to how often they occur in basic words (so that the Zs, Ws, and Vs, only occur once per set so they don't clog the grid). But it is possible to have multiple copies of them in-game if you ignore them on the grid long enough.

But how do you check if a word is valid? Is there a dictionary in the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes. But word lists, technically. But I took the master list off from an open-source dictionary and converted it to a custom resource w/ a string array. Then divided the master list into multiple lists for performance. The game checks the list based on its initials so it doesn't have to check the entire word list. It was a pain to get right.