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CHAPTER 1: Kithood

Rockkit woke up as his eyes opened. “Looks like rockets up.” Lilacpath said happily. “Yay rockkits up!” Crystalkit jumped “C’mon crystalkit, let rockit explore for awhile.” “Aww, okay..when you’re ready, talk to me if you wanna play moss-ball!” Crystalkit and Lilacpaths conversation had faded. Rockkit left the nursery and explored, he met nightkit, and ashtail. Brablestar didn’t talk much. It had become night and rockkit fell asleep in her nest next to her mom. When he woke up he saw a new cat, Breezekit. He and her talked and eventually he played moss-ball with crystalkit. He fell asleep and was woken up with a call from bramblestar. He was becoming an apprentice!

typo. When lilac says rockkits up it corrected to rockets up. Other than that I like it

ty for letting me now :3 autocorrect will vanish
