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Hello, first, I like your projects, I didn't play yet but I'm looking forward to it, but this game is... Really hard. Some rocks are bugged and don't count as rocks/high ground so the Graboid kills you and you have no checkpoint untill the grenades part... Where is really hard to kills the Graboid and the grenades don't spawm... Y died like 6 times at the rock part, and 3 at the grenades because those ''bugs''. Besides that, looks like a really cool game and with some fixes and, please, checkpoints, can be very cool. Thank you for your time making this game <3

How the heck did you pass the grenades part? I’ve tried like 15 times already and can't find a consistent way for the worms to get out of the ground.

You have to, SOMEHOW, run and don't be eaten, climb a rock or something or run in circles (what I did) after a lot os tries, the Worm appears, you have to throw exactly to the mouth and after a few seconds they die. But hey, being honest, I kill the first worm like 3 times, I died those 3 times and I quit.