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I'm here to post a review, and a few other things.

I know it is only Early Access right now, but so far this game is pretty epic. If you are a fan of Jet Set Radio, this game is definitely a must get. It's got skating, colorful and cool locations/characters, and a really good song that constantly loops (I'm pretty sure more songs will come...). The controls are a bit weird and slippery which took me some time getting used to, and the camera is not automatic, but you have to adjust it every time you turn, but don't let that steer you away from the game. Once you get used to the controls doing tricks gets very satisfying, especially when you get a 6 trick combo. The world, even though its not finished, is really big and fun to explore. I've spent most of the time just skating around and exploring instead of trying to figure out what I am supposed to do next. As I mentioned earlier there is only one song that loops in the background and it is actually pretty epic for the first 10-20 minutes, then it gets annoying. I have a solution to that until more music is added, mute the song and listen to your own music (I recommend listening to since this game is inspired by Jet Set Radio, it only seems fitting). Other than the few annoying things (1 song, controls, and camera) this game is actually quite fun and I can't wait for more to come in the future, and to experience the finished product!

As a rollerblader who actually does tricks and grinds I have a few additional things that bother me (just because) feel free to ignore this part or read and feel either smarter with this new knowledge, or nothing new because I'm some random dude on the internet. First off, I have issues with the names of the tricks, such as the manual, riding backwards, and "reverse" spins. Starting with the manual, I noticed that there are two different types of manuals in the game. When doing a manual forward it is on the heel and one footed so that's what is called a heel roll. When going backwards (fakie, as it is actually called) its a manual on the toe, which is called a toe roll. These are manuals, but when most bladers think manual, they think of both feet rolling on either both back wheels, both on the front wheels, or one on the front wheel and one on the back wheel. I noticed while playing this, that some tricks were "reverse". I have no clue what that meant. Either it was referring to rewind spins which is when you spin off the obstacle the opposite way you spun onto it, or switch which is spinning your non-dominant way. Those few things with naming. I saw some images of blades in the game with brakes and I was like heck no, brakes make tricks more dangerous and they feel so weird and unsafe ironically lol. That and I don't see any hblock (the gap put between wheels on aggressive skates for grinds) or any gap in general between wheels making me bothered about why isn't there any wheel bite? I know its a video game and it doesn't really matter but as a blader, it really makes me anxious. I know everything I mentioned in this paragraph doesn't really matter and probably only I am bothered by this, but I am a blader and I feel the need to put it out there.

That being said I am going to make a few suggestions which I believe would be a great addition to the game: First off, the controls. I get that they are how they are for a reason, but at least let there be a way to stop quickly, like a power slide. Please, it will make things a lot easier and faster instead of struggling to stop by changing direction endlessly. Also please let there be some sort of follow cam, kind of like in JSR, where you can adjust it when you want but for the most part its behind you. Also there should be some sort of hint thing, somewhere you can go to when you have no clue as to what you are supposed to do, kind of like the bath house lady in Shantae 4, just a small hint on what you should do or check out. I am stuck right now (I just got my SFS license) and I have no clue whether there is nothing to do cause it is still early access or because I am just stupid. Also can there be a way to toggle flash when using the drone to take screenshots? It is a cool feature but the pics I take always end up terribly because the flash makes everything so bright in an already bright environment. Also please, please add more songs! The one gets annoying quickly. 

Other than that I don't have much else to say besides check out the game, I highly recommend it, and don't let the camera and controls discourage and drive you away from the game. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for this awesome game!