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Stormsong: Chapter 18

"Get off me!" screamed Stormsong, but to no avail. Mudfur kept his firm grip. Remembering what her mentor, Moonheart, had taught her, Stormsong scooped the deputy's paws out from under him, and he landed on the ground with a thump. Quick as lightning, Stormsong leapt up and pinned him down.

"You're strong. For a bisexual," sneered Mudfur.

"What did you say?!"

Stormsong took a swipe at his snout, but somehow, in his compromised position, he managed to dodge it. He scratched the underside of her stomach with his back legs, and Stormsong screeched. Yarrowstar came running, along with Dragonwing, Firetail, Amberpaw, and Skypaw. The apprentices eagerly rushed forward to help their big sister. Firetail rolled her eyes the tiniest bit as she patiently held out an arm to stop the young cats.

Dragonwing glared at Mudfur. "You shouldn't be deputy with an attitude like that." Firetail nodded and agreed, "Yes, you shouldn't."

"Well, then," said Yarrowstar, "we have to pick a new deputy! Who shall it be?"

"ME!" shouted Amberpaw. "No, ME!" shouted Skypaw. "Maybe Birchblaze, or Moonheart? Or maybe Firetail?" said Dragonwing. Firetail laughed. "Aw, Dragonwing... me? It's not me. It's Turtlesplash, maybe, or you, Dragonwing!"

Dragonwing continued, "Turtlesplash? Hmm. Definitely not Flowerfur. Stormsong?"

Yarrowstar nodded. "Yes! It'll be Stormsong." He leapt up onto the WillowStump. "Let all cats old enough to climb the willows gather around the WillowStump for a Clan meeting! Mudfur has acted wrongly, and Stormsong is the new deputy. Also, Mudfur-- and Flowerfur-- are being exiled."

"EXILED?!" Mudfur and Flowerfur shouted. And almost every cat at the Clan meeting turned, winked, and calmly repeated, "Yes. Exiled."


thx! Also, is your profile picture your cat?