Hello, can you help me with something?
It turns out that I used to have a discord account called iBest14, it was on the Five of a Kind server. But as a human being who makes mistakes, I made the mistake of joining a random nsfw group. And it turns out that as we all know, Discord has some scam problems from time to time and from the server, they hacked us and my Discord started sending scam porn like crazy and also sent it to the Five of a Kind server. And that got me banned.
In the end I had to delete that discord and create another one called iBest1481, but when I try to enter the server, it takes me out telling me that I am banned, which I think is possibly due to IP.
So I wanted to see if you can unban me? I have that IP ban.
I sincerely apologize if I broke any server rules. I didn't want this to happen.