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some reason the character became invisible after the scene where Masa grabs your butt. 

(1 edit)

what version are you on? Edit> I really couldn't reproduce that bug
Also, you can use the key item Casual clothes, it should call out a refresh on the character's sprite

Never got this problem,I will check all iterations of this event and patch If I find a problem 

i am using version 2.1.5. I tried the key item it did not work. I also tried loading before and going through the scene again and got the same results. i can try restarting the game completely another day.

(2 edits) (+1)

I think I found the problem, was further checking iterations of this event and having <70 Innocence and 65+ lust triggers it
I will patch it immediately and update very soon, sorry!


no problem,   these things happen in game creation.  glad that you found the problem.

(1 edit)

Pushed the fix for this and other small ones Thanks so much for reporting the bug!