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love the new update!!
some suggestions or ideas you could consider: 

- obviously add more countries
- maybe a participation fee and hosting fee
- the option to withdraw for a year to save up money (when making a custom season and removing my country I still end up participating atm)
- diaspora voting | it looks like there is already sometimes, but other times not at all (like Greece and Cyprus blank each other a lot in my game)
- more known artists in the game (love having Joost Klein, although he keeps on participating for the Netherlands and will always be extremely high in the odds, which ofc makes sense)
- more customizable national selections
- fun event popups (like drama in nfs or with artists, romance between artists, malfunctions during performances (should probably be rare), maybe the artist from your delegation getting sick and if not treated (by spending money) the voice will be really bad and we'll get a worse result)
- maybe like a social media place where we can see what's eurofans think about the entries??
- when voting maybe have it so I can click back in to see what the thoughts of each performance was again (sometimes I forget)

and lets stop the list there. Again love the update <3

(1 edit)

Thanks for all these suggestions. I will try my best to implement them. The random events are definitely something I want to add in the future for more variety. Also the social media idea is really interesting. I could make popularity a factor