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(1 edit) (+7)(-3)

Loved the new characters. Personally I would enjoy if future releases focussed on strong character development (maybe with a few new characters or none). Also, I think the slower passed animations were perfect. I would stay away from faster ones (if possible). The change of pace seemed a bit sudden to me at least. The game visually looks really good - please don't compromise on the quality in future releases! The background music was good.

Overall, I liked 0.2. Don't mind the negative comments and keep it up! It's your game at the end of the day, and it can only turn out great if you make it exactly how you want. 

It's really challenging to work on such a project, especially as a one man team, so everyone who writes anything negative should first show us their own games, so we can judge them too :)

P.S. The Mr Mercer awareness of the situation before leaving for the conference was top tier. Caught me off guard, but the man knew lol

Looking forward to the next release!

(2 edits) (+8)(-2)

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. <3 

Developing strong characters is definitely a priority for me. I understand that version 0.2 might not have hit the mark in terms of character and story development, but if you check out my post on Patreon or the devlog here, I explain the reasons behind it. Now, I have some exciting new ideas for both the characters and the story (I hope so), and I'm doing my best to implement them in version 0.3, which is currently 40-50% complete. I'm also committed to enhancing the quality even further in upcoming update. Your support and feedback mean a lot to me!