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(1 edit) (+2)

This game get me a perfect experience, but now she is remaking.... I can only wait and hope that the edits in the plot will be really minor. Because I think he's been just perfect. Well, I suppose we'll have to wait a couple of months.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for commenting! Don't worry, the main plot of the game is not changing at all I just wanted to elaborate a little bit more on some aspects of the story and add some awesome ideas from the community such as building the convent from the ground up


That a genius idea building the convent from the ground up! I will look forward to seeing all this implemented! And the fact that the plot does not change is just excellent because, as I said, I think it is a masterpiece


I know, a lot of people on Discord ask me to add that feature into the game and  I loved the idea as well. Correct, the plot is not changing and thank you for considering it a masterpiece by the way!

