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(I have a mac) I downloaded the game from the app, and it launches, but I can't actually see the game. Quitting and relaunching doesn't work either. Other games work fine. can anyone help? pls

have you dragged the game to your applications folder? my game also wouldn't work at first, but it was fine after a few times of closing it and reopening! I hope you're able to figure it out :D if all else fails, you can always try redownloading it?

(2 edits) (+1)

i tried but it didn't work :(  did you download from the app or the website? redownloading doesn't work either (i think it keeps on crashing)

also like i said other games work, but not any of this developer's games somehow? like elevator hitch doesn't work, along with cold front, but the therapy with dr krueger game works just fine


same thing is happening to me

Same thing's happening to me.