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Our Apartment

A game about a girl in your apartment... 路 By Momoiro Software, MiNT, Sacb0y

Our Apartment FAQ Sticky

A topic by Momoiro Software created Jan 09, 2021 Views: 140,752 Replies: 181
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Hello! I bought the donations build. I've been trying to install it for about 30 minutes now and it won't open. It either says the unity dll file or a mono file is missing.


For some people the download corrupts somehow. I don't really know what to do about this tbh. I assume you have to contact itch support. 

Helloo momoiro software.

 I have played the demo and found the game to a liking with its art style, customization, replayability, and freedom you have Givin the players and due to this iam willing to pay full price for the game if not even more to help support its development. but i seem to have ran into an ussue. I believe my problem is my country currency (which is canada) and the needed requirements of $10 usd (which i dont have). Iam very new to and is unsure about the multiple payment methods that are available to purchase the game but due to this iam unable to buy said game. Now i heard u dislike the use of paypal so im not here to suggest that but iam here to ask for another payment method if possible so me and many more are able to purchase the game with out the need of converting monies. and I understand if this might not be possible for whatever reason but I thank you for your time and patience to read this message.



it's not just that I don't like paypal but I'm also banned. 

Unless itch adds some solutions there's nothing I can really do. Consider just waiting for the steam release. This is the current focus right now. 

Ah. I see, ill just wait on it that's fine. Good luck with yr game development 馃憤 

is this game coming out to steam still? It's been a really long time.

is this game playable on steam deck  


Yes but not at max settings. Be sure to turn off SSGI especially.

In the future I'll include a dedicated Steam Deck setting

do i download the linux file or windows


windows if you want a newer version, people have had very few issues with proton.

no me dega entrar a entrar al juego me bota al iniciar una  partida 

Hallo. Im new :D and i  downloaded the windows version, and when i need to put the name of the player the game crashes. I dont know what to do


Crashes how?

When I try to name the player it crashes, the game closes

Will there be pregnancy content? I did notice a description of one of the womb tattoos mentioning fertilization


It's a key part of the games story, though the form it takes is more impregnation than pregnancy atm.

Is there any foot fetish content in the game?


There may be some mild stuff in the future but none any time soon. 

Discord link dosent work, Second fun game to play when every update comes out do i have to redownload it everytime?


The discord link in game? I'll look into this. 

Also no you shouldn't you should be able to re-download or auto update if you use the launcher. 

Just don't lose your account. 

which control mode should i use for steam deck


An official steamdeck control mode will come probably after the next release. 

At I don't have a reccomendation. I reccomend making a separate thread or asking on the discord cause I know many people have been playing on steamdeck. 

3 years ago (12 edits) (+7)(-4)

Here I'll compile some frequently asked questions! This will be extended over time, feel free to ask questions in the replies!


  1. When is the "Full Game" coming out?
    1. Our Apartment will be in development for some time, but the goal is no more than a year. 

Game development is always harder than you think. 馃槱

I should update that tho...

(1 edit)

Hi, I purchased the game here on Every time I download the MAC download, it won't open on my computer saying that it is corrupt and I must trash it. I've downloaded it a few times and each time it is the same result. I don't know if it's because the file is from or if something else is wrong. If you could please advise, I'd appreciate it.



There is already an answer for this, check the link in it. 

I appreciate it, I figured it out! Thanks

Hi, I've been having the same troubles with the game too where it's saying its corrupted and i should throw it away, how did you figure out how to open it???


Read the section on OSX

Well i buy the game and it crashes on android... Want my money back

bought the game just cause the way it looks, but the story and act's ain't feeling right, so much text that i did not like and keep going back to the boyfriend which should've been ignored and not brought up so much, kinda reminds me of some anime where the mc liked a girl but she had a bf but was bad then broken up and mc keeps bringing ex back up, 


Story will have more cinematics and visuals later. Ex comes up less over time.

yay more story development

(1 edit)

where to find patch notes?

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