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(1 edit) (+8)

We've begun rendering, writing, and animating. We have a lot to do. :)

To make it clear, there are around 60 characters, most of whom require 2-5 ending options. So 120 endings + extras based on player path trajectory. Not to mention Harem/Slave group endings...

We have taken on a ton of work in this, learning a valuable lesson in that - the next game will not have 60 characters! LOL. 

This is why we took a few months off after working virtually nonstop for 4 years. To refocus and guarantee the wait will be WORTH it, instead of just doing cheap half-assed group montage summaries.


☠️ 120 endings....


60 characters is fucking wild holy i didnt even realize that 💀 next game should be like HALF of that maybe or even less idk

but im so proud of you guys for working so hard and everything 😭😭 i cant wait 🫶🏼