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Hello! Loving the game so far but I had a few bugs to report.

I noticed that during Zahera's first event (the one in which you agree to watch her exercise at the stadium) there are constant warnings for missing images ('zahera sport_normal', 'zahera sport_eyebrow', 'zahera sport_closed_eyes', 'zahera sport_angry', and 'zahera sport_sigh' are the images missing).

I've also noticed that there is an image missing warning for Reinhardt (I can't remember his name in-game) whenever he teaches literature classes, though I can't fully make out what the file name for the image is as it's blocked partially by his sprite.

And lastly if you use the "go back" button located in the bottom left corner while on the academy map it results in a crash.

All of this is from v0.21.2.3 for Windows.

It's the same for Android. It might just be a general bug. Came here to report.


Also found another instance of a missing image, this time during a scene involving Kamilah and Aurelie

Passed this over to our programmer, thank you!

No problem :)