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Hello, how are you? I hope you're doing well! :D

I enjoyed the experience; I found the writing good, the intelligent use of sound effects interesting, and the plot intriguing with the indirect use of information to advance the story, making you think. 

Now, I'll comment on 2 things that I thought could have been better, they're not bad at all, but I believe they could be improved:

1) The central hub should be more intuitive, even without the map. Perhaps dividing it into sub-stages and making the navigation between the information center/café/lighthouse/row of houses more fluid. I think when you were working on the project, things became redundant in your mind, but playing it, it seemed less fun and more of a burden. However, the first time was very good! :) I believe a logbook could make things much more interesting and keep the player engaged with the situation they want to solve, like the laboratory password, without having to keep going back and forth to check if they missed any information outside the saved in inventory.

2) Clarify better what's valid or not. For example, within the interface, should I look for hidden texts in white or not? Is there a secret on the title screen, a hidden button, a mandatory info not registred to advance? Since puzzle games are varied and commonly require specific logic, I honestly didn't understand the nature of the game in the first 15 minutes. On one hand, it seems sequential through navigation and dialogue with listed options, but the search for names and information is parallel and open to whatever answer you think of.  For me, who is not a native English speaker, I don't even think structurally as someone who speaks English thinks, and this is a problem that could be avoided with pre-defined sequences that indicate the logic to be followed subsequently.

Overall, I enjoyed the experience and would recommend it to anyone looking to try something cool on an afternoon :)

P.S: If the ending 2 were a song, this would be it:



Thank you so much for your feedback! You make some really great points and I honestly agree. I did even have a notepad function previously, but I had to cut it out/merge some of it with the inventory due to the word count limit on my coursework 😅 thank you so much for playing though, I'm glad you enjoyed and I will definitely be taking what you've said into account for the future <3

~ Emily