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how do you raise attraction?
keeps going lower no matter what i try. 
so 10/10 for realism i guess. just like real life.


Can I know which oniichan type you were (best friend, doctor, longing)?

i think i went for best friend. maybe i should try one of the others


Yea, Best Friend gets a daily attraction penalty for being ‘friendzoned’, so you’ll struggle more to build up that tension but its easier gaining trust.

That being said, I am working on a fundamental rebalance of how it works. Trust penalties from interactions will be more tied to her current mood and the attraction penalty for Best Friend specifically will be adjusted so you incur less minus points by the time you get to build her sexual interest.

^_^ look for updates, soon!

awesome thanks, i'll try a different start :)

great game so far. gonna keep a good eye out for the updates