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What type of content is planned in the future? For example considering we are affected by death perhaps more morally wrong options in scenarios can be added. For example i have seen in other games the topic of slavery being a sexual point and in this game it takes more of a lore point. Is adding that to future updates or things along those moral lines a possibility. For example based on the best example we have right now in the game perhaps we have the option of buying the elves sister (assuming of course she is to be of age) and then possibly keeping her as a slave or releasing her. I personally think that could be a very interesting avenue to explore based on the fact that we are dealing with demons and death it seems like the type of morally corrupt topic that could be included in this type of game. Of course i understand completely if you dont want to impliment such a thing as it is a very dark topic.

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks for the questions, and apologies for the late response.

There will be darker choices and scenarios, which can ultimately result in players entering the 'corruption' route of the story if enough of these dark actions were taken. For example, the next update will give the choice between showing mercy to the enemy or taking lives. I'll be adding a lot more of these good/dark choices over the course of the game, as well as some moral dilemmas where there isn't inherently a right or wrong answer. The MC and Valerie can choose to either reject or embrace their demonic temptations. 

I like your idea of being able to take the elven sister as a slave. This might be a bit difficult to implement right now, since Annestria plays a major role in the story and making her an enemy would require a lot of changes. But I think this is an interesting way to take both the dark route and sexual content, and I can add it as part of my long-term plans for the game.