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After a lot of stuffing around I have worked out how to get this game working so thought I would share it with you.

Step 1: Once you've unzipped the game and moved it to your apps, according to the help file: "Open Terminal app, write this: sudo chmod -R +x Applications/World\ of\ and write user password"

I couldn't get this to work as I was told it didn't exist so the secret lies in the pathway so...

Open terminal, navigate to your game app and drag that into terminal. This will show you the exact path to the app (can differ to the one in instructions). Copy that pathway in terminal and paste it on a text doc

In terminal type in "sudo chmod -R +x" and paste the pathway I just mentioned from the text file. It should ask for your password, then some code will come up.

Step 2. From instructions "System Preferences -> Security& Privacy -> World of Sisters -> Open Anyway" I didn;t find this but leave it for now and we'll get there.

Step 3. Instructions say "sudo chmod -R +x /Applications/World\ of\ Sisters\ 0_19_1\ \(MacOS\).app/Contents/MacOS/"

Again it's all about the pathways.  So right click the game app (open package content) and navigate to the folder thats says "MocOS"

Drag this folder (MacOS) into terminal so you know the pathway. Copy and paste it to a text documentfor later use.

In terminal paste "sudo chmod -R +x" and add the aforementioned pathway here. That should run and the game should open and start extracting files (not playable yet). We're getting there!

Step 4. Double click the app. It will probably tell you it cannot open because it doesn't know the developer. Right click the game icon and choose "open", choose any options that follow to "open anyway". 

Voila!  The game should start loading. 

Step 5 Set aside a few hours and prepare your tissues! :-)

ABSOLUTELY AWESOME Thank you very much for sharing the guide, mind if I include it in the instructions?

(1 edit)

Yes of course! Thanks for a great game. My only criticism is the conversations can be very long at times and don't lead anywhere. Maybe some replies you can do that lead to sexy onsequences would make it more involving.

Yes we are aware the game weakness that some conversations don't lead to a sex scenes as some characters don't have them... YET.  This is in top 5 opportunity issues we want to improve and we are making steps in that direction. So basically the good news is we have a plan to include many more within the next 6 months by expanding certain stories, (starting with at least 3 teachers, 4 students) so basically you will be able to date more girls and talking to them will lead to a scene, plus also visit more locations on the map. We will see how quickly we can get to this.

Also fun fact we will include more scenes related to gaining skills - through series of animated sexscercises .It will be more appealing this way to look forward to trainings.