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Quite enjoyed this game.  

Art is good, Animations are decent.
Dialogues are entertaining to read. Liked references throwed here and there, and especially liked characters reacting to player talking to them in different times, like when Milo informed Erin that they need to get "Training Ticket" despite mission didn't tell you to get over to her.
Story catched me, and Lore of the world is interesting to find out.

And my best praise go to the Gameplay. From "Tutorial" i already felt that this is gonna be well made platform with no janky physics and random hitboxes. Nice touch that character can vault over ledges if you miss your jump, find this out after Tutorial, but was pleasently surprised by this.
When i get to the Gun Portion of game, i really got invested in interaction between Shoting, Melee, Energy Managment and Movement. 

I would love to support such awesome project, but unfortunately i cannot access Patreon from my country. If you have any other way i can support this game materially, please list them somewhere.

For now i just can tell some my nitpics:
-Fisrt, i constantly tried to open my inventory to check what items i got. I assume that in future this feature gonna be implamented.
-Second, sometime had an urge to scroll back to the previous dialogue that i skipped accidently, or ones got skipped on purpose by game.
-Third that my gun shots above my cursor, so hopefully there is gonna be custom cursor alligned with shots.
-Fourth spamming Melee Attacks is both extremely powerfull strategy and abit unpleasent to use because you need to have perfect timing. Depending on the direction this game gonna take it's difficulty, maybe there should be some kind "Queue" where you can spam Melee button and even if you press it during recharge, character still gonna do atleast one Melee Attack.
-Fifth, in tutorial wanted to rebind my Melee Button from Mouse to Keyboard to get more comfortable, but i guess since later you get gun with 360* shoting, this is unnecessary.

Very interested to see where this project gonna go in the future, wish developers good luck and giant bottle of inspiration.