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I’ve noticed what looks like strange FOV issues in some of the renders. Character faces will be sorta stretched oddly. Is this something you’re aware of?


Yeah, this mostly happens early on, but can particularly happen with Riley and Taliya. For some reason their head models literally change shape if you angle them certain ways, and there isn't a whole lot I can do about it aside from just not angle that way. Unfortunately, Riley does occasionally need to look to the left so I kinda just go with it unless it's particularly egregious. The FOV thing near the start is really just down to me having no idea what I was doing back then. I'd say day 11 is the point where I finally felt like I knew what I was doing, and  it marks the start of the base standard I want for the rest of the game. There's a bit of a jump up in animation quality at that point I think.

I don't plan to go back to change these things unless I do a remaster or something at some point, but I don't have plans to do that unless I could afford to pay someone else to do it, since it would take a lot of time away from development of the new stuff. The new stuff is what my paid supporters are paying me for, so I have to align my priorities accordingly really.

One day though perhaps. There are some fairly significant render and animation improvements I could make to the start, it's really just a question of finding the time to do it. Guess this is what happens when you just kinda wake up one day and think "Imma make a porn game" without any notion of how that's actually done lol.