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(2 edits) (+1)

now for porn aspect like said on the first comment I don't just want porn I want a good game and porn. so ero witch had more sexual content in its first level then this entire game. it had defeat screens and story elements. go back lose to first boss and tell me that is not more sexual then this anything in this game. I'm not saying what we have is bad. I'm saying want more then we got right now.


i re-100%ed the first dungeon in 1 sitting and its exactly as i already said, there is only nudity in the first dungeon

I don't know how you think but okay bud. regardless I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree cause I want more.


As for the gameplay aspect, I think that a good game should be really challenging, the whole thing that makes games fun in the vast majority of cases is that they provide challenges. Just try different strategies and you will succeed.

As for the porn/sexy stuff aspect, I agree the game is pretty bare in that department, the gameplay is super fun and addicting, but I really hope the dev expands at least somewhat on the sex related stuff before declaring the game done and moving on to something else. I think the game is good, gameplay is amazing, but it needs at least just a little more sex content to push it over the edge to being up there with the absolute best top tier H-games out there. 

(1 edit)

I enjoy the game quiet a lot as well, I'm not going disagree, I know it is supposed to be hard, but I don't like being stuck because RNGeasus has abandoned my run, and I REAL don't like lose all progress on a character, only watch them get kidnaped. what I will say is the difficulty curve needs work.

to be more specific I think novice level is fine and adept needs to nerfed again I can't comment on anything higher then that, because I have never been able to hold on to character long enough to get past adept.

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On that note if someone has recommendation to make my runs less FUCKING GARBAGE feel free to say something.

To keep enemies from targeting your more frail characters use a tanky class that can block for them (Warrior, Prisoner, or Paladin) and as for dealing with defense buffs use a class that can either ignore them or stack as many DoTs on them as you can (Ranger, Mage, Cleric, or Maid)

I'll try that thanks