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Thank you, I appreciate the honest input will look at the suggested games.

The mechanics are kinda based off of the Ironsworn system which is based from the Powered by Apocalypse system, and I know that many have not explored those systems very much. I do agree that to the mechanics should be clarified. 

I am trying to improve art wise, it just felt so bare without anything just couldn't find anything that looked right. So yeah free and easy resource. 

I don't feel you are being harsh because you put valid reasoning behind your opinion, and I can respect that. 

I am working on something a little more in dept follows along similar mechanics, has no classes, a lot longer, no AI art (because looking for artist), and is a fantasy game. When I complete that I will be looking for your review.

Sounds really fun, keep making games and I will keep reviewing them. If you ever need to contact me personally you can talk to me through discord, my username is Zejbo,

Also, an artist can be an expensive endeavor, but I think you can probably get a lot of creative commons works that you can use. Games like cairn 1e only have that kind of art, and they look really good.TBH, my biggest worry if I were you, would be to not burnout and just keep working on the game, making games should be fun not only for the people playing them but the people making them.

Anyway, hope you have a wonderful day and if you ever need somebody to playtest or give feedback, just hit me up.

100% agree, and trust me I will not be over working, got a full time job and household to keep up, the game development is my fun time. I will shoot ya my Discord later.